끝이 뾰족한 무기 및 날카로운 물체 Pointed/ Edged Weapons&Sharp Objects |
검 및 칼이든 지팡이(Sword and swordstick) |
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끝이 뾰족한 우산(Umbrellas with pointed tips) |
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날 길이가 5.5㎝ 이상의 드릴날(Drill bits) |
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날을 갖고 있는 접이식 칼류(Lockable or flick knives with blades of any length) |
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다용도 칼(Utility knives) |
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도끼 및 자귀(Axes and hatchets) |
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드릴(Drills) |
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등산용 폴(Hiking poles) |
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렌치/스패너(Wrenches/Spanners) |
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면도칼과 칼날(안전성이 없는 포장재로 둘러싸인 면도기) (Open razors and blades) |
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무기로 사용될 수 있는 만큼의 길이를 갖고 금속 혹은 기타물질로 만들어져 날의 길이가 5.5㎝이상 되는 칼(세라믹 칼 포함)(Knives, with blades of more than 5.5㎝., made of metal or any other material strong enough to be used as a potential weapon, Including an ceramic knife) |
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박스 커터칼(Box cutters) |
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발화 장치처럼 뾰족하고 날카로운 무기로 사용될 수 있는 연장(Tools having the potential to be used as pointed or edged weapon, e.g. blow torches) |
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빙상 스케이트(Ice skates) |
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사브르(Sabres) |
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쇠지레(Crowbars) |
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스키용 폴(Ski poles) |
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얼음깨는 도끼 및 얼음송곳(Ice axes an ice picks) |
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외과용 메스(Scalpels) |
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작살 및 창(Harpoons and spears) |
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총 길이가 10㎝를 초과하는 스크류 드라이버류(Screwdrivers) |
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톱류(All saws) |
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표창(Throwing stars) |
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프라이어(Pliers) |
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해머(Hammers) |
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화살 및 다트(던지는 화살)(Arrow and darts) |
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5.5㎝ 이상의 날을 가진 뾰족한 가위(Scissors with blades more than 5.5㎝. in length) |
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기타 항공보안검색감독자에 의해 위해성이 판단되는 것은 위탁수하물로 처리(Other potential dangerous items should be delivered by Check-in baggage, based on the decision of Screening Supervisors) |
끝이 둥근 가위(Scissors - plastic or metal with blunt tips) |
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끝이 등근 금속재 병 음료 개봉기(soda opener with rounded edge) |
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요리용 다지기 (cooking hardener) |
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칼이 포함되어 있지 않은 손톱깍이 셋트(Nail clipper without clipping knife) |
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항공사 승무원이 기내 이용 목적으로 직접 소지하는 와인 오프너(flight assistant's wine opener needed for cabin operations) |
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둔기 Blunt Substances |
격투용 도구(예; 곤봉, 도리캐)(knuckle dusters, num chucks, kubatons, kubasaunts) |
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곤봉(Coshes) |
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골프채(Golf clubs) |
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낚시 받침대(Fishing rods) |
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당구.스누커용 큐대(Billiards, Snooker, Pool cues) |
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라코르스경기 스틱(Lacrosse sticks) |
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릴레이용 바통(단단하거나 휘어지는 종류로 곤봉. 경찰봉. 야경봉. 및 바통 등)(Clubs or batons rigid or flexible, e. g. billy club, blackjacks, night sticks and batons) |
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볼링공(bowling ball) |
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스케이트보드(Skateboards) |
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아령(dumbbell) |
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야구방망이 및 소프트볼 배트(Baseball and softball bats) |
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카약 및 카누 패들(Kayak and canoe paddles) |
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크리킷(Cricket) |
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하키스틱(Hockey sticks) |
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장애자, 노약자 등의 보행용 지팡이나 목발을 포함한 보조기구(crutches, sticks, etc. of medical appliance for disabled or elderly persons) |
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카메라 삼각대 (camera tripod) |
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소화기 권총류 무기류 Firearms, Guns, Weapons |
격발식 활 (Crossbows) |
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국궁 (a bow of reverence) |
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기동장치 총(ballistic conducted energy weapons) |
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모든 총기류 및 소화기류(회전식 권총, 소총,권총,엽총 및 실탄등으로 탄피를 포함)(Firearms of all types, e.g. pistols, revolvers, firearms, rifles, Pellet gun, Including empty cartridge) |
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복제품 및 모조품 소화기류(Replica and imitation firearms) |
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볼 베어링 총(Ballbearing guns) |
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산업용 볼트 및 못총(Industrial bolt and nail guns) |
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새총(Catapults) |
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소화기류의 부속품(망원장치 제외)(Component parts of firearms, excluding telescopic sighting devices) |
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수갑(handcuffs) |
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신호기 화염총(Signal flare pistols) |
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실제와 유사한 형태의 모사 총기류 |
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양궁(archery) |
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작살 및 창 발사총(Harpoon and spear guns) |
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채찍류(rods(whips)) |
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총기모양의 라이터(Lighters shaped like firearms) |
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추진발사용 무기(Ballistic conducted energy weapons) |
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충격장치(예 가축 찌르는 막대) (Shocking devices e. g. cattle prods) |
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동물도축 장비(Animal humane killers) |
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단 위 물품 중 총포.도검 화약류등 단속법에 해당하는 물품은 소지허가 또는 수출허가를 득한 것에 한하여 위탁수하물로 운송가능(Items that are listed in the government regulations regarding weapons control, can be delivered by check-in baggage, having the permission from appropriate authorities) |
범죄인 호송 등 공무 목적으로 기내에서 사용할 수갑(handcuffs to use on board for criminals) |
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수중횃불(랜턴) (underwater torches) |
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에너지원이 제거된 납땜장비 (torches for soldering irons, that have no containing fuel) |
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연료없는 석유버너.램프 등 캠핑장비(Camping equipments, e.g. stoves, lanterns) |
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휴대용 라이터 1개(선물용으로 포장되고 연료가 없는 경우 휴대 또는 위탁으로 3개까지 가능)(one(1) lighter is allowed in carry-on baggage, and maximum 3 lighters that are not filled with fuel are allowed within check-in baggage) |
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화학물질 및 유독성 물질 Chemical and Toxic Substances
| 눈물가스 (tear gas) |
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독극물류 (Poisons) |
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방사능 물질(예 의료용 또는 상업용 등위원소: (Radioactive material, e. g. Medicinal or commercial isotopes) |
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부식성 또는 표백성 물질(예 수은, 염소)(Corrosive or bleaching substances, e.g. Mercury, chlorine) |
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산성 및 알카리성 물질(예 습식 배터리)(Aids and alkalis substances, e.g. Spillable "wet" batteries) |
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소화기(Fire extinguishers) |
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자연발화 및 자연점화 물질(Material capable of spontaneous ignition or combustion) |
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전염성 혹은 생물학적 위험물질(예 감염된 피, 박테리아 및 바이러스)(Infected blood, bacteria and viruses) |
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최루가스 (Mace gas) |
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호신용 스프레이 (spray for self-protection) |
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후추 스프레이 (pepper spray) |
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단 실리콘 등 화학물질 운송의 경우 승객이 산업안전보건법에 의거한 물질안전보건자료를 제시하여야 하며 이를 통해 안전한 물질로 판단 될 경우 위탁수하물 운송가능(Items that are listed in the Government regulations regarding chemical transportation control, can be delivered by checked baggage as long as it has the permission from appropriate authorities) |
항공사의 승인를 받은 용액의 누출가능성이 없는 전지로 작동되는 휠체어나 기타 전지작동 이동 보조장비, 단 항공위험물운송기준 제210조의 규정을 따를것(Wheel chair or other assisting devices powered by non-spillable battery, having the permission from the aircraft operator, observing Article 210 of the Standard for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods) |
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항공운송사업자의 승인을 받은 용액의 누출 가능성이 있는 전지로 작동되는 휠체어나 기타 이동 보조장비, 단 항공위험물운송기준 제210조의 규정을 따를것(Wheel chair or other assisting devices powered by spillable battery, having the permission from the aircraft operator, observing Article 210 of the Standard for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods) |
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항공사의 승인을 받고 기상청 또는 이와 유사한 기관 대리인의 책임하에 운송되는 수은 기압계 또는 온도계(Mercury barometer or thermometer carried by the representative of the government weather bureau or similar agency, having the permission from the aircraft operator) |
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1인당 1개의 보호케이스가 있는 의학용 또는 진료용 수은 온도계(Medical or clinical mercury thermometer fit within protective case, one(1) per passenger) |
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구명조끼에 유입하는 비독성 또는 비 위험 가스인 실린더 1쌍(Non-flammable gas cylinder fitted into a life vest containing carbon dioxide or other suitable gas, up to one(1) small cylinders per passenger) |
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드라이 아이스 1인당 2.5㎏이하(Carbon dioxide/Dry ice, in quantities not exceeding 2.5㎏ per passenger) |
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폭발물과 인화성 물질 Explosives and Flammable Substances
| 복제 또는 모조 폭발물질 또는 장치(Replica or imitation explosive material or devices) |
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연기를 발생시키는 불연성 불활성 깡통 및 카트리지(Smoke-generating canisters or cartridges) |
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가스 및 가스용기(예, 부탄, 프로판, 아세틸렌, 산소) (Gas and gas containers, e. g. butane, propane, acetylene, oxygen) |
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공기가 1/3이상 주입된 축구공 등 스포츠용 공(balls for sport which is filled with air more than 1/3 of the total volume) |
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공기가 주입된 풍선 (ballon filled with air) |
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뇌관 및 도화선 (Detonators and fuses) |
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딱 성냥 (Non-safety matches) |
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모든 형태의 불꽃 (Pyrotechnics of all types) |
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발파 캡 (Blasting caps) |
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수류탄류 (Grenades of all types) |
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스프레이 페인트(체류성 스프레이 포함) Spray Paint |
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에어로졸(살충제) (Aerosol) |
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인화성 액체 연료 (예 석유/가솔린, 디젤, 라이터용 액체, 알콜, 에탄올)(Flammable liquid fuel, e. g. Petrol/gasoline, diesel, lighter fluid, alcohol, ethanol) |
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지뢰 및 기타 군사용 폭발물 (Mines and other explosive military stores) |
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탄약 (ammunition) |
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테레빈유 및 페인트 신나 (Turpentine and paint thinner) |
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폭발물 및 폭파장치 (Explosives and explosive devices) |
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화염 및 기타 불꽃 제조품(파티 폭죽 및 장난감 캡 포함) (Flares in any form and other pyrotechnics, e.g. including party poppers and toy caps) |
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50㎖를 초과하는 접착제 (Adhesives exceeding 50㎖) |
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70도 이상의 알콜 음료 (Alcoholic beverages exceeding 70% by volume) |
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개인위생용품(향수, 화장수, 헤어스프레이, 면도크림, 헤어무스, 구두약, 소염제, 방향제, 신체냄새 제거제, 산소 스프레이, 몸에 뿌리는 해충기피제 등) 각 1개(단 총량은 2ℓ를 초과할 수 없으며, 운항 중 환자에게 사용할 목적으로 휴대하는 의료용품의 경우 항공사와 협의하여 추가 반입 가능) (Each item among Rubbing alcohol, solarcaine, perfumes, cologne, hair spray, hair mousse, antiphlogistic, aromatic, smell remover, not exceeding 2ℓ in total amount per passenger. For medical use during flight, the amount could be modified, having the permission from the aircraft operator) |
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머리 염색약, 퍼머약 1인당 1개(air curler, hair-dye one item per each person) |
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안전캡이 부착된 가스작동용 헤어컬 (Hair curlers containing hydrocarbon gas, up to one(1) per passenger, provided that the safety cover is securely fitted over the heating element) |
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용기 당 최고 500㎖ 이하의 마찰 알콜 (Maximum of 500㎖ per container of Rubbing Alcohol) |
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화장용 아세톤 각 1개 (one(1) cosmetic acetone per each person) |
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24%이상 70% 미만의 알콜이 들어있는 병 5ℓ이하의 알콜음료 (alcoholic beverages up to 5ℓ with alcohol exceeding 24% but not less than 70% in retail bottles) |
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3% 과산화수소(3% hydrogen peroxide) |
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국토해양부 장관이 지정한 고위험이 예상되는 비행편 또는 항공보안 등급 경계 경보(ORANGE) 단계이상 (High Threat Flights or "Orange" Level based on Risk Assessment carried by Appropriate Authority) |
금속 칼붙이 (metal knife) |
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금속제 빵 칼 스테이크용 칼 (round-bladed butter knife) |
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네일니퍼 (nail clippers) |
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눈썹정리용 칼 (eyebrow knife) |
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대바늘 a bamboo (knitting) needle |
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등산용 아이젠 (climbing irons) |
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뜨개질 바늘 (Knitting Needles) |
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면도칼(해당물품은 권한을 가진 사람에게 맡겨야 함) razors |
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수예바늘 (needles for crochet(handicraft)) |
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은장도 (ornamental knife) |
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재봉바늘 (sewing needle) |
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주사바늘 (needle for injection) |
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코르크 마개뽑이 (Corkscrews) |
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콤파스 (compass) |
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텐트폴 및 팩 (poles and packs for tent) |
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편지봉투 개봉용 칼 (envelope opener) |
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5.5㎝ 미만의 칼날 (knife with blades not more than 5.5cm in length) |
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5.5㎝ 미만의 칼날이 있는 가위 (Scissors with blades not more than 5.5cm in length) |
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주사바늘을 기내에서 의료목적으로 소지한다는 증명서류가 있는 경우(needle for injection to be used within the cabin, with a certificate issued by medical institute(hospital) |
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제15조(승객 등의 검색) ① 항공기에 탑승하는 자는 신체, 휴대물품 및 위탁수하물에 대한 보안검색을 받아야 한다. 제21조(위해물품 휴대금지) ① 항공기에는 무기, 도검류, 폭발물, 독극물 또는 연소성이 높은 물건 등을 휴대하거나 탑재할 수 없다. 제44조(항공기 위험물건 탑재죄) 제21조의 규정을 위반하여 휴대 또는 탑재가 금지된 물건을 항공기에 휴대 또는탑재하거나 타인으로 하여금 휴대 또는 탑재하게 한 자는 2년 이상 5년 이하의 징역에 처한다. | | |